About Moi

I grew up in a small town in North Carolina where everybody really did know everybody and you could comfort any misgivings over that fact with an overwhelmingly large ice cream cone for a whopping 50 cents at the local pharmacy.  Honestly, it was quite like Mayberry, but without the charm of black-and-white.  For the past four years, however, I've been hiding out in downtown Chicago, which I'm still getting used to but learning to love.  Here, where I'm surrounded by broken people and hurried lives, I hope to make my home one of rest and peace, of beauty and grace.  Made in the image of the most creative Person ever, I long to live a life of creativity and the joy it brings.

I started blogging about six years ago, which resulted in holy matrimony.  I then put my online life on hold while I started married life and undergrad at Moody Bible Institute simultaneously.  Now that I'm a college graduate, though, I finally get to do what I love: read for pleasure and blog indiscriminately.  To pay the rent, though, I work part-time as a nanny for the most incredible family and as a "word processor" for one of Chicago's most respected roofing contractors.  I'm also attempting to get my music off the ground before we welcome any new family members, which I'm secretly hoping will be rather sooner than later.  

I have many loves, the first of which is Jesus and the second of which is my adoring and adorable husband.  I've been learning a lot about love lately, actually, and have come to realize that it's my greatest calling in life.  By God's grace teaching me continually about it, I hope the legacy I leave in my children will be love for God and love for all people.

As for those silly details that don't matter much but everyone clandestinely wants to know, my personal interests are: Frederic Chopin's music ~ particularly his waltzes, coffee, Jane Austen's comedies, European life, thrift shops, jazz, vintage decor, biking, Doctor Who, hand-written letters, Regency period clothing, learning French, &c.